GESEA4EU L4. Advanced Laparoscopy Learning Modules*

The advanced laparoscopy module is aimed at Specialist Professionals to provide them with knowledge in in four subspecialties: oncology, endometriosis, urogynecology, neuropelveology.

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Oncology e-learning
Objectives in terms of theoretical knowledge and topics:
  • Laparoscopic anatomy of pelvic spaces, vessels and ureter
  • Laparoscopic pelvic neuroanatomy: descriptive and functional
  • Rules of exposure in laparoscopy
  • Surgical rules of vessels dissection
  • Surgical rules of ureteral dissection
  • Surgical rules of pelvic nerves dissection
  • Technique of total laparoscopic hysterectomy and radical laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • Technique of pelvic and lomboaortic lymphadenectomies
  • Principles of nerve sparing
  • Intraoperative management of vascular and ureteral complications

Endometriosis e-learning
Objectives in terms of theoretical knowledge and topics:
  • Laparoscopic anatomy of pelvic spaces, vessels and ureter
  • Laparoscopic pelvic neuroanatomy: descriptive and functional
  • Diagnosis approach in endometriosis regarding pain and functional disorders (urinary, digestive, sexual)
  • Rules of exposure in laparoscopy
  • Surgical rules of ureteral dissection
  • Surgical rules of pelvic nerves dissection
  • Different techniques to manage ovarian endometrioma
  • Techniques of laparoscopic management in rectovaginal endometriosis (shaving, colorectal resection)
  • Techniques of laparoscopic management in bladder and ureteral endometriosis
  • ntraoperative and Postoperative management of vascular, digestive and urinary complications

Urogynecology e-learning
Objectives in terms of theoretical knowledge and topics:
  • Anatomy and landmarks required for the surgery of laparoscopic POP repair. (promontory, lateral spaces, RV and VV spaces, Retzius space)
  • Laparoscopic pelvic neuroanatomy: descriptive and functional
  • Laparoscopic suturing in prolapse surgery
  • Techniques of sacrocolpopexy and of lateral suspension (Dubuisson, pectopexy)
  • Importance of nerve sparing approach
  • Management of difficult cases
  • Management of recurrences
  • Prevention and treatment of complications
  • Management of UI and POP surgery
  • Technique of laparoscopic Burch colposuspension

Neuropelveology e-learning
Objectives in terms of theoretical knowledge and topics:
  • Laparoscopic anatomy of somatic and autonomic pelvic nerves: descriptive and functional
  • Architecture and microanatomy of peripheral nerve
  • Diagnosis approach in pelvic pain and functional disorders (urinary, digestive, sexual)
  • Surgical rules in peripheral nerve dissection
  • Technique of nerve sparing according to surgical indications
  • Technique and different type of neurolysis in endometriosis entrapment of somatic nerves
  • Principles of pelvic neuromodulation
  • Indications and technical principles of the implantation of neural electrodes on the pelvic nerves (LION procedures).